PRONOUNS EXERCISE #2 1. David, Ian, and I often climb once per week in the Granite Mountains. 2. The climbing that we do is more like bouldering. 3. When we boulder, we tend to wear special climbing shoes. 4. These shoes have special soles which adhere to the rock much better than conventional shoes; we love the extra grip that these shoes provide. 5. While climbing we tend to also take chalk bags; these help us to keep our hands dry. Moisture can cause you to loosen your grip. [Our andYour are Determiners] 6. The chalk that we use is similar to the type of chalk used by gymnasts. 7. When climbing, we often begin by approaching a flat face of rock and scanning it for reasonable hand holds. 8. Some faces are better than others; in fact, last week, Ian climbed a rock which had horrible handholds. In order to climb, he had to pinch these tiny holds the size of a dime. 9. WIthout the shoes, his own assertiveness, he would have fallen for sure. [His is a Determiner] 10. To protect ourselves from falling, we normally have an apparatus called a crash pad. These are large styrofoam pads which absorb the impact of a fall. 11. While David has a much larger crash pad than me, Ian has the largest crash pad. When we combine them together, our crash pads stretch to provide much more protection. 12. Oftentimes, David likes to do "high ball" problems; this is slang for a really high ropeless climb. 13. When David attempts these, Ian and I normally put our pads together and angle ourselves away from the face. We do not want David to fall on us. That would really hurt. 14. Aside from high climbs, we also like to climb long rock cracks. Crack climbing is where you put your hands into two opposing rocks angled side-by-side. [Your is a Determiner] 15. You can oftentimes use your hand and your elbow to create opposing pressure against both sides of a crack. This maneuver provides you enough leverage to ascend upwards. One of our friends calls this the "chicken wing" maneuver. [Your and Our are Determiners] 16. Regardless, of our techniques and equipment, the most important thing that we do is have fun. [Our is a Determiner]